Кинооператор - Никита Рождественский EN  -  RU

Abode, 2020, Fiction, Colour, 440min (8x55)


Directed by Aleksandr Veledinskiy


The Red Ghost, 2019, Fiction, Colour, 100min


Directed by Andrey Bogatyrev


St. Petersburg Affair, 2018, Fiction, Colour, 400min (8x50)


Directed by Alexandr Muratov


Panfilov's 28, 2016, Fiction, Colour, 120min

(Cinematographer, Post-production)

Directed by Kim Druzhinin, Andrey Shalyopa


ANGEL DOLL, 2013, Fiction, Colour, 35min

(Steadicam operator)

Directed by Egor Druzhinin, Cinematographer Alexandra Rozhdestvenskaya


MAYOR, 2013, Fiction, Colour,  720min (16x45)

(Cinematographer together with Pavel Fomincev)

Directed by Anatoly Artamonov, Artyom Antonov


ALIEN (Chuzhoy) (1-4), 2013, Fiction, Colour, 180 min

(Cinematographer, Post-production)

Directed by Georgy Danielyants


SINDBAD-4 (9-16), 2012, Fiction, Series, Colour, 360 min (8x45)


Directed by Kim Druzhinin


PREDATEL (TRAITOR), 2012, Fiction, Series, Colour, 540 min (12x45)


Directed by Stas Titarenko



(Cinematographer, Post-production)

Directed by Georgy Danielyants


DONNA ANNA, 2011, Fiction, BW, 8 min

(Cinematographer, Post-production)


MENTOVSKIE VOINY-6 (Cop Wars-6), 2011, Fiction, Series, Colour, 360 min (8x45)


Directed by Sergey Raevski


"MADITOL" Commercial, 2010, Color, 5 min

(Cinematographer, Color Grading)

Directed by Ilya Severov



Directed by Georgy Danielyants

- HELLO TATYANA, 2010, Fiction, Colour, 7 min

(Script, Cinematographer, Post-production)

- STOP, 2010, Fiction, Colour, 6 min

(Cinematographer, Post-production)

- 3 LIFE IN THE BOOTH, 2010, Fiction, Colour, 7 min

(Cinematographer, Post-production)


ORIGAMI, 2010, Fiction, Colour, 32 min, 35mm


Directed by Georgy Danielyants


ABYSS, 2009, Fiction,  Colour, 22 min, 35mm


Directed by Ilya Severov

Festivals and Awards:


DOCTOR, 2008, Fiction,  Colour, 18 min


Directed by Alan Dzociev


APPLES, 2008, Fiction, Colour, 23 min, 35mm


Directed by Saida Kurpesheva

Festivals and Awards


"LISTEN, MAMA...", 2007, Fiction, Colour, 21 min


Directed by Georgy Danielyants

Festivals and Awards

THE PUPPET SHOW, 2007, Documentary, Colour, 12 min


Directed by Saida Kurpesheva


THE RED TAVERN, 2007, Fiction, Colour, 10 min 30 sec, 35mm


Directed by Saida Kurpesheva

Festivals and Awards


TANGO "CAMISA", 2006, Fiction,  B/W, 4 min 22 sec, 35mm

(As Author and Cinematographer)

Festivals and Awards


INFINITY, 2004, Fiction, Colour, 20 min

(As Author, Director and Cinematographer)

Festivals and Awards